
Government to speed up completion of criminal cases

Several initiatives are to be implemented by the Government to speed up the completion of  criminal cases, including Gun Court matters.    

This was disclosed by Justice Minister  Mark Golding during Friday’s sitting of  the Senate.

Responding to questions posed by Opposition Senator Robert Montague on the state of  the Gun Court, the Justice Minister disclosed that the Criminal Justice Act is to be amended to facilitate a functional plea bargaining system.
There have been calls for an effective plea bargaining system to tackle organised crime in Jamaica.

According to the Justice Minister, the existing plea bargaining legislation has failed to have an impact.

A working group was appointed last year to identify proposals that will allow the effective functioning of  a plea bargaining system in the Jamaican context.    
Golding disclosed that a Cabinet submission has been prepared for drafting instructions to amend the Act.

In addition, the imposition of  mandatory minimum sentences for firearm offences has resulted in a reluctance to plead guilty, even in strong cases, as accused persons facing a minimum sentence of  15 years, often prefer to take their chances with the criminal justice process.     

Golding said this has resulted in many cases going to trial instead of  being resolved early by way of  a guilty plea.    

It was revealed that the Criminal Justice Administration Bill and the Judicature Bill are companion pieces of  legislation that will soon reach Parliament.

The legislation will empower judges to impose sentencing discounts for guilty pleas, including where the law imposes a mandatory minimum sentence.

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